WEX GLOBAL SUMMIT – Circular Economy Strategies for Water and Energy

HEDVIGA presented its PTR – ENERKAL technology solution for sewage sludge utilization.

The company director Marek Beneš participated in the international summit, where the issues of water management, wastewater treatment and energy were significantly discussed on the groundwork of the current situation,how water is a strategic and important resource for many countries.

HEDVIGA presented its PTR – ENERKAL technology solution for sewage sludge utilization.

ENERKAL, with its strategy of reprocessing sewage sludge and current energy and material utilization for both agriculture, energy and the re-use of phosphorus, is at the forefront of innovative and cost-effective solutions for sewage treatment plants, both in new and existing treatment plants.


The main spheres of WEX GLOBAL SUMMIT were:

1. Government policy, regulation and circular economy
2. Water cycle management and water re-use
3. Building resistance in the water sector
4. Integration of water, energy and waste measures into the circular economy
5. Recovery and mining of phosphorus and removal of nutrients in the water cycle
6. Membranes, nano-filtration and the fourth industrial revolution
7. Positive energy treatment of water and sewage water
8. Biofuel and circular economy management
9. Water quality, reducing the flow of waste and energy efficiency in industrial operations
10. Technology of desalination and re-use
11. Innovation Forum at WEX Global
12. Innovative financing of the 4th industrial revolution in the water sector
13. Intelligent cities
14. Protection of water tools against Cyber-Attack


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WEX GLOBAL SUMMIT – Circular Economy Strategies for Water and Energy




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